268. This history is up to date to June 1965. Changes occur in establishments and personnel continuously, and during war time it is not always possible to determine accurately unit moves, changes in establishment and transfers in and out of units.
269. The information contained in this history has been obtained from archives, records, and by personal approach to members of units mentioned. It is hoped that it is a reasonably true account of the history of RAEME in SOUTH AUSTRALIA.
270. The corps of RAEME is expanding continuously and with the advent of newer, more complex equipments and more reliance being placed on mechanical and electronic aids and devices, RAEME tradesmen will be required to keep abreast of current equipments and techniques to enable them to do what they have done in the past, that is, to keep the maximum amount of equipments serviceable and with the owner units.
1. The History of RAEME in South Australia originated from a directive from H.Q. C. COMD, 27 December 1962 (ref: 274 2 13), History of the Army in South Australia'.
2. Australian Archives in Adelaide hold a two part file which covers nearly all units in South Australia (AP1012, Box 110, file 707 Cl 1).
3. There is an indication that a Major A.B. HASTING, Aust. Intelligence Corps, C. Comd, has examined and compiled a list of these records.
4. Major A.N. MACLEOD was nominated as officer responsible for compiling the History of RAEME in SA, this being in 5 stages with following officers doing a stage.
Stage 1: Lt. G. OAKES Corps Background prior to 1939.
Stage 2: Capt. A. McDONOUGH War time Locations and Activities
Stage 3: Capt. C. CAMPBELL Activities Post War Period 1946 - 48.
Stage 4: Lt. G. ROBINSON Period from 1948 - 1965
Stage 5: Lt. R. BROWN List of DADEME periods served
List of OC Comd Wksp
List of OC 107 Inf Wksp
5. Local Amateur historian for AEME, RAEME, Assoc, and Adelaide Workshop Company Mr. R.S.J. GLASS was given approval to gain access to Commonwealth Archives and A.W.M. to extend his research on the History RAEME in South Australia.
Reference: 534/15/8 HQ 4MD 9 June 1983.
6. This research is still going on with a great amount of information being held by AEME, RAEME, Assoc., South Australia